
Gay Bar Topics

Here is a categorization of blog posts according to various topics. This serves as an easy reference to whatever topic you wish to read. You can right-click on the links below, to open up a new page:

Lessons about the gay bar industry:
  • Gay bar, Hosto bar, and Gay clubs: Posts about the definitions about these types of bars frequented by gay men of Manila. Includes comparisons of each type.
  • Inside the gay bar:  What one can usually see inside a gay bar -- physical features, attractions, performances. You can also read about the VIP room. And some posts about the songs played inside the gay bar.
  • The Industry: News, articles, or hearsay about the gay bar industry in general. Posts about various institutions, how gay bars operate, how they deal with external forces such as government or economy

Lessons about the macho dancers and hostos:
  • Types of Boys: Not all macho dancers or hostos are the same. These posts try to differentiate and cluster the types of boys one can see inside a gay bar. One specific type are those who do full-frontal or all-the-way boys
  • Work-Related: What do these macho dancers or hostos actually do for work inside the gay bar? Posts that relate to their work, such as instructions given to them when dancing or entertaining guests, can be read here.  
  • The Dancing: Articles about how macho dancers dance, their unique form of dancing, their usual routines, etc.
  • Lifestyle of the Machos: What do the boys do outside of the gay bar? These posts talk about what time they wake up, where they eat, where they go during their free time, etc.
  • Fashion: Posts that describe what a typical macho dancer would wear inside or outside the bar
  • Stories: These are articles about specific stories of a particular macho dancer or hosto. They can range from the very personal to third-party observations about each of them.

Lessons about customers and their relationships with MDs and hostos:
  • The Customers: Articles about the different customers who go to gay bars. Read through them and see which one you are.  
  • Dating: Observations on going on dates with a macho dancer outside the gay bar.
  • Relationships: From dating to relationships. Insights about customers falling in love with a macho dancer or hosto.  
  • Texting: Because relationships are built also from text messaging, here are a few quirky posts on how these guys text.

Lessons in General:
  • Blind Items: Gossip about the gay bar industry and their popular boys, including the local celebrity world connected to the industry
  • Top Lists: The ever-popular humorous lists to explain anything about the gay bar industry or their boys
  • Gay Bar Terms: The gay bar has its own sub-culture, and with a culture comes their own language. A few of these terms defined, with descriptions on these terms, how they started, their usage, and insights on how these terms reflect aspects of the gay bar industry
  • Tips to the Customer: The posts here have a few tips here and there for customers entering a gay bar, tabling a boy, talking with them, or having a future relationship with them.
  • Posts about General Humor or with a Gay Slant in Tagalog (Kabaklaan lang): Just my gayness wanting to come out in these posts.
Lastly, My Personal Lessons are topics or reflections or insights about my self, as a frequent GB goer.

If you wish to read more about a certain topic, feel free to comment below or email me at What you send will just be between you and me. =)

Enjoy reading!

GB Goer
Learn more: Lessons from Gay Bars in Manila


  1. ToTaLLy ENJOYed reading your BLoG PosTs.
    Entertaining and informative; all in the same breath.
    Continue to keep us briefed and abreasted with your latest narratives.
    THANKS MUCH !!!!!

  2. hey dear, san ba maganda mag pa massage, yung mga hot ang masahista? tnx!!


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